Application Guidelines

The Foundation does not accept unsolicited requests for support from organizations with which it does not have an existing funding relationship.

Organizations that received a grant from the Cohen Foundation in the previous year may submit a proposal seeking funding provided they submit a narrative and financial report on the activities supported by the Foundation's most recent grant.

Download NNCF Grants List

Report Format

The report includes two components: financial and narrative. The financial report consists of revenue and expenditures for the previous year (budgeted and actuals). The narrative report should answer the questions below:

  • What has been the organization's most significant achievement or impact in the previous year, and why? Consider impact on individuals, communities, institutions, policies, as appropriate to your grant.
  • Were all or some of your goals for the year met? Did you develop new goals or revise old ones? Explain and provide examples.
  • Did the project and/or organization encounter any unexpected difficulties? With the benefit of hindsight, what, if anything, would you do differently?
  • What new partnerships or collaborations were created or have you entered into in the past year? Will these collaborations continue?
  • Have there been any significant institutional changes or developments within your organization, for example among the board, staff leadership, or finances?


Please submit a brief proposal that includes the following:

Proposal Narrative

  • Brief description of the organization's most important plans and priorities for the year for which funding is requested, and background, explanation and anticipated outcomes for any major new projects.
  • List of key staff, with position titles
  • List of Board of Directors, with affiliations

Financial Information

  • Most recent IRS Form 990
  • Revenue and expenses budget and year-to-date actuals for the current year
  • List of organization's current major institutional funders with corresponding amounts, including commitments and pending requests with amounts requested and committed as appropriate

Timetable for Grant Review

Organizations that have received Foundation grants in the previous year are invited to apply through the competitive grants process according to the timetable below.

Type of Organization Proposal Due Final Notification
Reproductive Health/Environment July 15 September
Local Social Justice & Civic Affairs October 15 December
National Civic Engagement January 15 March
Israel/Jewish April 15 June


Please email grant proposals and reports to