The Foundation supports organizations that help individuals and families achieve self-sufficiency and attain safe, dignified and secure housing. Programs that receive funding include those that advocate for and provide supportive transitional and permanent housing, access to public benefits, case management, basic food and shelter, and legal representation. Priority is given to comprehensive programs that provide a combination of advocacy and direct services in alignment with the District of Columbia's Homeward DC strategic plan to end long-term homelessness.

See below for current Social Justice & Civic Affairs grantees.

Bread for the City, Inc.

Bread for the City provides legal, medical and social services, and emergency assistance to impoverished children and adults in Washington, D.C.

Bright Beginnings, Inc.

Bright Beginnings is a child development center for homeless children, ages six months to five years, whose families live in shelters and transitional housing in the District of Columbia.

Coalition for Nonprofit Equity

The Coalition for Nonprofit Equity is a collective of more than 1,000 DC community-based nonprofit organizations.

Coalition for Nonprofit Housing & Economic Development

CNHED's mission is to strengthen and support the ability of nonprofit community development organizations to improve the quality of life in the District of Columbia's neighborhoods through advocacy, information sharing, training, capacity building, research and communications.

Coalition of Immokalee Workers

Based in Immokalee, Florida, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers is a worker-based human rights organization internationally recognized for its achievements in the fields of social responsibility, human trafficking, and gender-based violence at work.

Community of Hope, Inc.

Community of Hope creates opportunities for low-income families in Washington, DC, including those experiencing homelessness, to achieve good health, a stable home, family-sustaining income, and hope.

DC Central Kitchen, Inc.

DC Central Kitchen collects more than one million pounds of food each year from local foodservice businesses and restaurants and converts that donated food into nearly 4,000 meals each day and trains unemployed men and women for jobs in the foodservice industry.

DC Fiscal Policy Institute

DC Fiscal Policy Institute works to analyze the District’s fiscal problems and makes recommendations for addressing serious budget shortfalls in ways that protect services vital to low-income residents.

DC Hunger Solutions

DC Hunger Solutions works to fight hunger and improve the nutrition, health, and well-being of children and families in the District of Columbia by informing the public about hunger and food insecurity in D.C., working to boost participation in D.C. child nutrition programs and working to ensure better food stamp access for more District residents.

DC Vote

DC Vote educates the public about the need for District of Columbia citizens to obtain full voting representation in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate.

Downtown Cluster of Congregations, Inc.

Downtown Cluster of Congregations is an ecumenical association of 43 congregations that share resources to provide outreach, case management, and referrals to indigent street homeless in Washington, DC.

Friendship Place

Friendship Place provides outreach, medical and behavioral health services, transitional and permanent housing, and social services for people experiencing homelessness in Washington, DC.

Greater Washington Community Foundation

The Greater Washington Community Foundation exists to Build Thriving Communities by providing community leadership, inspiring local giving, promoting civic engagement, and guiding strategic philanthropy.

Henry Street Settlement

The Henry Street Settlement is a not-for-profit social service agency in the Lower East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City that provides social services, arts programs and health care services to New Yorkers of all ages.

Local Initiatives Support Corporation DC

The Washington, DC LISC program is a site of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the largest community development support organization in the country. Its mission is to help community based organizations create healthy neighborhoods that are good places to live, work, raise children and conduct business.

Miriam's Kitchen

Miriam’s Kitchen provides warm meals for the homeless in the DC community and case management to assist those in need of transportation, housing and other various needs.

N Street Village, Inc.

N Street Village provides a wide range of services, including substance abuse treatment and recovery, social services, emergency shelter, childcare, medical and mental health services and affordable housing for low and moderate income families and individuals in the District of Columbia.

Pathway Homes, Inc.

Pathway Homes provides mental health services—starting with safe, stable housing—to individuals marginalized by poverty and inequity; it recently expanded to DC where it connects homeless adults with permanent housing and services.

Spur Local (formerly Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington)

Spur Local is the region’s only locally-focused guide to civic engagement. It also money for a network of 400+ small, local nonprofits and trains nonprofit professionals to strengthen their skills in fundraising, marketing, leadership and management, and more.

Thrive DC

Thrive DC works to prevent and end homelessness by providing vulnerable people with comprehensive services to help stabilize their lives.

Washington Interfaith Network

WIN is a broad-based, multi-racial, multi-faith, strictly non-partisan, District-wide citizens’ power organization, rooted in local congregations and associations.

Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless

The Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless provides legal representation and helps homeless individuals secure benefits, avoid eviction, access shelter or subsidized housing, and secure mental health services.